
I feel so...
11:14 p.m. - 2002-08-12

Got kicked out of my home, I think. Think I lost a friend. Good at fucking things up. Suck at putting things back together.

Thank you Nelapsi. I needed you, and you were there for me. I love you. Even if it has to be a secret, I do not stop. If I did, it would not be love. Hold me. Keep me warm. I need you now. I'm crying on the inside. You might not see it on my face, but you can feel it in my eyes. I want you to kiss me and make it all better. I know I brought it all upon myself, but I still need you now. Hold me. Kiss me. Never let me go.

"I want to know you all my life..."

Always, if you let me. Never stop because it isn't real if you can. I feel like a lost puppy without a home. I see myself as a wolf in sheep's skin. Help me tear it away.

My duct tape doesn't go all the way around, you're right. Last night, your touch showed me the way through. My heart melted at the touch of your fingertips. You held me different from before. You make me happy. You make me cry, but in a good way. You make me want to prove that I am capable of feeling. I love you. Your heart may be torn to pieces, but it is still beautiful to me.

All my love to you, Nelapsi. Never before did love make me feel as this. I want it to last forever. Hold me. Kiss me. Love me.

I love you.

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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