
What virginity?
12:58 p.m. - 2003-11-16

So much to say, too few words to say it.

I found a coconut. It was following me. I finally bothered to take the time to look at it. Interesting how the thing I was looking for was following me the whole time.

I still love the other coconut. It isn't love if you can stop at will. It doesn't make sense.

I found another coconut. I love it too.

I looked into the coconut that was behind me. I got inside it. Hope it didn't hurt too much. Sorry.

The one I never said I loved is the one that could possibly love me. Hmm. I will never hurt her.

I'm so happy. I feel good. Just look at me. No, look at my eyes. Look into my eyes. Look behind them. See my joy.

I have found more love inside my heart than I thought I ever could have held. Love me for who I am, and I will love you in return. I love you all in different ways. But still, I love you all.

Good bye for now.

- The Shadow Behind Your Dreams

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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