
Insomnia, why don't you go play a little game of hide and go fuck yourself?...
4:29 a.m. - 2004-04-01

Yeah, sure. Why not? I'm just going to go bleed happy. Because people are happy when they bleed. Bleed happy. With all the bleeding. Of me. Just sitting there. Bleeding. Because I know how to bleed happy...




Here's a little secret to get a little deeper into the Little Ray of Sunshine that is me. When you see me laughing, I'm crying on the inside. When you see me smile, I'm crying on the inside. When you see me all alone in a dark corner, I'm crying on the inside. Get the fucking hint yet? I am always crying on the inside. ALWAYS!!! That is the big fucking secret. Need a bigger hint? I am not happy. Want to see me play the part of a happy person? That's easy. Acting isn't real unless you make it. I can make it seem real unless I want you to see beyond my mask. And those few people lucky enough to do so are few and far between. I can make you believe I am someone I am not. Some of my roles that I am especially good at:

Wonderfully painful Vampire

Dark, brooding Teddy Bear

Emotionally deep Philosopher

Playful little Child

and my personal favorite, The mentally disturbed, emotionally troubled, socially unaccepted Rebel


None of these people are me. They are merely roles I play to have fun or to get what I want. You want to get inside me? The only way you'll ever be able to is to cut me open with a razorblade and swim through my organs and tissues. That is only as deep as I'll let you get. I go deeper. Walk backwards down the rabbit hole; never lose sight of your way out. You'll need it.


On a brighter note, I hate you all. Except for some of you. A handful at most. And yes, I know that in order for me to hate others I have to hate myself in return. So be it. I hate myself. There, now I can honestly say I hate you. But it is alright. You know why? You hate me. And you know what else? I am happy when you bleed.


When you find out who you are, you too can wear a mask of 1,000 colors.


You will never find yourself.


I drank the blood of a close friend today. I like the taste. No, I'm not trying to be a fucking vampire stereotype right now. I, as a human, honestly love the taste.


And never touch the cactii in Zach's yard. You have to burn the spiny hairs out of your skin. Only fun if you are a masochist. WHICH I'M NOT for all you kids who think you know me.


(Oh shit. I feel a little black leaking out...) You don' know me, nigga!


Whew. I'm better now. I am just going to tell you, my head hurts like a mother fucker. On a scale from one to ten, it hurts at about an eight. Not necessarily enough to go to a doctor about (it would have to be above ten, because I am a stubborn man, and I hate doctors), but just enough to piss me off and not let me sleep comfortably. I'm glad you care. Honestly, I never thought you gave a shit.


To those of you who know that I am talking to you when I say this, I love you. Yes, even you, no matter how much you hate me for the things I do to you.


Alright, here I go...


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...




(Wow, that was anti-climatic...)


Meh. I know people who are good at that sort of thing, and the fact that I personally know them makes me cool. Yay, go me for not being good enough to do it myself.


By the way, I am not happy when I bleed. It is much more salubrious to watch you when your blood hits the floor.


Good night kids. I'm tired.

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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