
Yeah, you touch that puppy alright...
3:51 p.m. - 2004-04-19

Here I go...


There is no perception; there is only reality. It's just that you percieve it, making your own perception your own reality...


What if I took this rock... and threw it into your teeth?


destroy/construct/annihilate me...


It's o.k. I don't really mind being dead. After all, it is definitely easier than being alive...


Why do you cry? I don't want you to cry. Don't cry little girl. Everything is going to be all right.


Why do the angels lie to all the children?


Why did my angel never lie to me?


Why are there angels?


Demons are always more fun.


I wish it were warmer.


All I ever hear from you... You are starting to sound like a broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broke... broken record. Time to flip to the Otherside...


No, no, no. Don't pick at your scabs. Here. Use my knife to cut them off. Make sure you heat it up with that candle over there...


Why are you bleeding?


Stop bleeding. It won't make me feel sorry for you. Stop it. I mean it. Quit. I am not going to give you any sympathy. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopit. Stop it Stop it it it it it it it it it it is i it is i i it is i it is redundancy at its best...


I can't be beautiful. All the beauty within my words has already been used up somewhere else sliding off of someone elses tongue whispered to someone elses lover and to someone else diary...


Beauty is within the eye of the beholder.


Beholders have many eyes...


Fuck you Cuba.


I am through with you all...

Be back later...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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