
"Stop, children. What's that sound? Everybody look what's going down..."
3:23 a.m. - 2004-04-24

Do you tell a hooker "thank you" when she is done?


Clean. I just feel so much cleaner. Everything is so neat and orderly. Let's go play in the mud.


Mmm... Mud pie...


I never really got to be much of a kid. Should I regret it?...


Live life with no regrets. One of my major philosophical phrases. And love openly and absolutely.


Don't try to open me up. I am like a clam. I'll open up when you stop bothering me.


Stop bothering me. I like being alone.


Driving always makes me feel alone. I love feeling the vibration of the wheel in my hands. I love being in control.


I am not a control freak. I just like being in control of myself.


I don't like myself. But sometimes I do. Sometimes...


Sometimes I think about other times...


Other times I think about no times...


I don't think that I should think about how I shouldn't think so much about all the times I think I think too much...


Now I am lost...


OK. I'm back.


I will always come back.


I will never leave you without a trace.


You will know when I leave. It gets quiet.


You will know when I get back. It gets even more quiet...


I love you guys...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
>Now >Before >Secrets >Box >Board >Arts >Main