
I'm not a bad father...
4:36 a.m. - 2004-06-13

It is early.



Still have no job. Still looking. But still nothing.


Still don't want to live at my dad's home. Still looking, but no other options.


Still white as all fuck. Not trying to change that though.


Excuse me sir? How do you explain that you are in love without sounding like a completely twiterpated youth and without previous knowledge of what love truly is?


Oh really? Simple as that huh?


Well, in that case...


I am in love.


With you.


No, not you. You.


I am still out at night. Just watch for me on the streets and in the moonlight. Maybe you will see me someday.


And maybe someday you will stop me and tell me what is in your heart.


I will always listen.




I just want to be held.

Hold me. Please...


I wish I was with my grandma right now.


She always makes me feel warm inside.


Except when she asks me questions about myself.


"Why is it that you find it fine for you to love someone, but whenever they seem to love you back you get defensive and run away?"




Because I don't know.


But I am not scared of love anymore.


I have come to discover that love can be a good thing.


And this is something new to me.


If you love me tell me.


You don't even have to tell me.

I can always seem to see it in your eyes, or in your smile, or in your touch.

You hold me when I want you to, but I never have to ask you.


I need you because I love you. I don't love you because I need you.


Ha. Just think. I made it this far without you, so I obviously don't need you all that much.


You can't find love by default.


It doesn't work that way.

It probably does sometimes though.



Missing you, kitten.


And a little black umbrella for your thoughts.

And for your comfort.


I will come looking for you someday.


Someday soon.




Lighter note: I am going camping from July 27 to August 1. Ketchum, ID, I believe. I can take five people. Let me know if you are interested.


Friends are always welcome.


I am going to be a good father some day.


I love children.


Just don't confront me on the matter; I have a reputation that needs withholding. Whatever.


I am a good father.

I am a good father.

I am a good father.


And I wish to keep the same mother around till the day I die. And maybe a little longer.


One shot. No divorce. No breakup of my family. House on a Hill. That is what Pendleton means. I set the example for my family. I will be the house on a hill. I will be daddy to everyone. I will be a good father. I am a good father.


And I have good kids.


I love my kids.


I love you, kids...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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