
Top Hat
5:02 a.m. - 2005-09-03

Dear Diary,
It has been awhile...
I missed you...
Don't hate me because I don't come around much...
I have feelings too, you know?
I am growing up and growing apart.
I don't want to be a slow-gun.
I don't want to be anybody's slogan.
But I still want to have my trigger pulled.
I should be sleeping now. That never seems to happen much anyway.
I need Carmex. My lips, they are so tender...
I can't handle this sun much longer...
I keep dreaming of someone...
I need you to paint me beautiful in my own mind. I am becoming a dead beat. I drop and fall and keep tripping up, but somehow...
Somehow I will make it through...
Somehow, I will make it.
I am always so dirty.
No one listens anymore. No one wants to hear the same story twice.
No one wants to hear my story once.
No one really listened anyway.
I am dreaming again. It is almost pornographic how explicit it is in my head. I make NC-17 look like a fucking Disney movie. I wish I could remember all I dreamt about last night.
He kept telling me what I should be when I grow up. No, he didn't tell me. Other people told me. People that had really told me before. I would do something funny and people would tell me to be a comedian. I would do something smart and people would tell me to be a doctor or a scientist. Some would say artist and some would say writer. They would tell me what they thought I would do best in and tell me that is what I should be. Each and every one of them. Then it would stop. All black, then the man in the red velvet top hat would ask me "Remember?" And I would. It would take me a second. I would remember though. Lost thoughts are surfacing. I can't focus anymore. I am too distracted by myself. People always told me what I should be when I grew up. Now I am a grown up. Now I need to know, not just be told. I need to know for myself. That man in the red velvet top hat, he knew. I hope to God he knew. I remembered everything. Everything he wanted me to remember I found. I dug deep and pulled it through this filter I didn't even know I made up so long ago. I found the dirt. I swam in my own filth. I am that sludge and grunge and muk inside my head. I know the monster behind my eyes.
And that was it. There was a monster. A slime-ridden, diseased, dripping monster in my head. That was what woke me up. The man in the red velvet top hat...
He asked me if I remembered something...
What was it?
Fuck... I can't remember...
I am trying... Trying so hard to remember this time...
I REMEMBER!!! I remember what he asked. I was sitting in front of a mirror a few years ago when I lived in the apartment beside Syringa. My dad wasn't home. He was never home. I was looking into my own eyes trying to see all I could in myself. I wanted to know if I could look into myself like I can into everyone else. I remember I told myself inside my head that I had to be only who I was inside. That was what he asked me. I dreamt that I was in that exact situation all over again. I had that same exact thought again. I knew who I had to be again. And then black...
I didn't remember. I did remember in all reality, but in my head...
In my head the monster came. That monster took over everything. He ate the man in the red velvet top hat. He swallowed him whole. I didn't want it. I was scared. He chased me. He caught me. He swallowed me whole. I screamed. And I woke up...
I don't know what it all means. I don't know anything anymore. I questioned myself today. I couldn't pay attention today at work, I was so distracted by my dream. I almost lost a thumb to a radial arm saw, I was so distracted.
I need help this time...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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