
Just let me'd be better off.
6:31 p.m. - 2003-10-17

Fuck you all.

I don't need you. You don't need me. I am stuck here. I try to make the most of it. The only thing that keeps me happy are the few, select people that I consider my friends. (By friends I mean the people that I love.)

Ben- You were there when I needed you, and you always knew when I needed to be alone. Thanks, man. Always friends, never end.

Summer- The best fucking little chica out there. I love her, more than I would my own sisters. I feel her pain when she cries, I feel her joy when she radiates her smile. She is my ocean; I want to drown within her.

Brett- The little kid, who is so much older than he should be. Your train of thought travels along the very path which mine own once did.

Dad- The best friend I've ever had since day one. Always worried about me. He shouldn't; he'll kill himself in the end. The sad truth is, he probably will someday.

Grandma- Basically my mother. She is my guiding light, and I will love her always. She will die someday, and I will lose a part of me that will never be resurrected.

Mom- Fuck you.

Devon- My sister. I remember when we were little, we'd always imagine the dream home that we sould share when we were older. Interestin, the last thing she ever said to me was "I'll kill you if I ever see you again." Oh, poor, poor me. Fuck that.

Zack- I appreciate your concern, but don't dig too deep. You might die from me.

Rocio- Aim high, shoot low.

Jessica- I love you more than I hope you ever come to realize. It isn't something I know, it's something I feel. It may be untimely, but I can't help it. I'm sorry.

God- Who are you?

Satan- Fuck you.

Angels and Demons- Quit your bitching. Kiss and make up.

Vampires- Grow up.

Vampires who don't want to be immortal- Welcome to the show.

To all those I may have forgotten, I apologize. My mind is fleeting at the moment.

To all those who believe that they should be on this list, you shouldn't be.

Am I depressed? Hell no. Am I miserable? Hell yes. Do I care? I have to. Do you? Why should you?

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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