
Like a stone of ice, pulsating within my breast...
3:04 a.m. - 2003-10-19

I am he without a voice, with but eyes to show emotion. You will hear no speech from me, no hidden secrets of others, for what right do you have to know. Trust in me, and I will serve you well. I am yours to confide in; yours to hold, and be held in return. Cry upon me, no one else is around to see. I won't tell anyone; I won't take advantage of you; I won't hurt you when you are vulnerable. Only the unfit hunt the weakened. I prey upon those that are hardest to catch. I always catch them, but their deaths will never come by my hand. Nor will it come while my heart beats. My cold, unmoving heart...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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