
Questions and banishments...
12:47 p.m. - 2004-01-14

Why do I question the things I do? Why do I do them, knowing that later I will question myself? Why do I question them before I do them, and still do them, and still question afterward, knowing damn well that I should never have done them in the first place?

Why with all the questions? Why do I question my questioning? Why? Questions...

Don't leave us... We are organized, now... Just give us a chance...

"So there were these coconuts..."

Why? Even now, why? Stop it... Just stop... Just stop beating... You don't have to beat anymore... You don't have to feel these things anymore... You don't have to, and yet you persist in this continuance of desiring the things you know damn well you can never have, never hold, never feel...

Fuck you. I don't care, you stupid son of a bitch. Maybe I like the questions. Maybe I enjoy the feelings of loss and desolation. Not eveyone has to have everything go the way they want it to to feel they have a good life. Not everyone is happy because things are perfect. I'm perfectly happy in being not happy. I like pain. I desire hate. I revel in the flame, dance in the blood. Fuck you. You shouldn't try to help me. I don't need help. When it comes down to it, maybe you're the one who needs help.

I don't need help. Especially not from someone as fucked up as you.

I am not "fucked up." I am quite content in being better than you.

Why don't you go sink your faggoty little fangs in that bitches neck, watch her fall to her knees, watch her bleed, and cry, and scream... Feel her go cold... When she is gone, go to another and do the same... When they are all gone, you won't have anything to worry about... They won't be around you anymore...

You lie... That is not true... Your fragile human mind can't understand the workings of the Immortals... Bodies die, go cold, get stiff... Eyes close to the world... But that is not the end... Souls are eternal... They come back. ...I want you to leave. I'm through with you. You don't help me. You are too caught up in being good and kind and perfect. Who is to say that one so evil cannot love so passionately as the next man. I don't need you anymore... Just go...

...Fine. Goodbye. However, let me just warn those that think they love you. And to those that actually do even more caution. Watch out... There is nothing so dangerous as an Immortal with no reason to live... They will no longer feel... They will harm, and hurt, and kill at will... Do not trust such an entity... It will be your downfall...

Do not listen to him. I am not such an entity. I do have a reason to withhold my immortality. I am no other, as no other. I have found that my love is not just a game to play. I love these humans for what they are, flawed in almost every way. But, too, do I love life itself. I need nothing else. Now LEAVE, before I have to make you. Go.




...I WILL be back...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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