
I thought you left...
4:45 p.m. - 2004-02-10

Optimism: It's contagious.

I realize my last entry was a poem. Interesting because I never write poems anymore. Last night, I wanted to write to try to describe how I felt. I was talking to a friend and trying to type at the same time. I didn't really notice what I was writing until I had already written it.

I'm glad I wrote it. I reminded myself that I can still be artistic when I least expect it. Thank you, me.

I just found out my dad is probably going to die sooner than he would naturally. I also found out that I can't let such negative things affect me so much. Sure, it's tragic. But I can't let a maybe turn into a definitely in my mind. I get to pretend everything will be alright. Easy enough.

Note to self: Quit your fucking whining and get your shit together. You are not the only one on the planet that has problems. Be happy, fucker!

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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