
Insomnia Chronicles...
12:52 a.m. - 2004-05-03

I've never been able to sleep when the moon is up. I can never sleep when the stars shine bright. I can never sleep when the world is dark with shadow. I can't sleep at night...

Never have. I have insomnia. Kind of. I can only sleep comfortably during the day. And only if I know I am protected. I am always protected though. Not by the Hounds of Hell, but by the Wings of Heaven. Thank you Gabriel...

Now I lay me down to sleep,

For Him alone, my soul to reap;

If I cry before I wake,

I pray my life for you to take.

If you taste my darkened tear,

You will know my only fear;

Again my soul shall be at ease,

And once more my heart shall cease.

But if I lay with eyes awide,

Reflecting deep my Nightly Bride;

Take thy blade within thy sheath,

Sink it deep; don't let me breath...




Breath for me...?

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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