
Reno.L.oneR... It's a palindrome...
3:53 p.m. - 2004-05-24

Do you ever paint the most beautiful picture you have ever seen, then splash it with a can of black paint?


Do you ever write the most melodic poem you have ever read, then tear it up and burn it?


Do you destroy your own beauty because you know you shouldn't be worthy of such a gift?


Do you ever deny yourself?


Do you ever?


Well, if you do...


Let's just say you are getting a taste of what it is to be me...


I am fucking up my own picture too.


But I like it...


I really do...


What do you mean I don't really?


Why shouldn't I?


Don't talk to me anymore... You don't know what you are talking about anyway...


This is why I have my Misery Epiphany...


This is why I celebrate my own pain and anguish...


This is my own beauty...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
>Now >Before >Secrets >Box >Board >Arts >Main