
Today I laughed in the face of death, and fell into her arms...
7:35 p.m. - 2004-07-11

So I was walking home from the high school the other day...


I had just finished saying goodbye to Rocio. I kissed her on the lips. Her lips are always soft and her kisses make my lips go numb...




I met a man on the path beside the canal. I nodded to him. He pulled a bandana over his face and .38 Special to mine. It was shiny and silver. I bet it was cold in the front of his pants. I thought I was going to die. Right there. And no one would know for awhile. No one to cry for me. But my first conscious thought: I don't want Rocio to cry. I know that is what you would hear in a movie or read in a book, but it is the truth. I didn't want to think of her crying because I got my head blown off. I didn't want to picture her tears running down her nose and onto her soft, numbing lips because she heard that I wasn't around anymore to hold her tight and kiss her tenderly.


I figured out what love really is.


And it is a secret.


It's more fun when you find out for yourself anyway.


I looked down into the barrel of the gun, then leaned to the side and stared at the man in the eyes. He was scared. I saw fear in him. He didn't want to shoot me. He didn't want to get in trouble. He didn't want to know what I would do if I felt threatened. He didn't want me not to be scared. So I wasn't. I stared right at him and asked him where he was going. He said it was none of my business. I told him he was right, but that I didn't want him to go near the school. I didn't want him to know that I had friends in there. I didn't want him to know that there were people that I cared about, so vulnerable and oblivious in their summer school desks. Like Ben. Ben took trail mix to school that day. I like trail mix. And Rocio. I love her. I vow my life to her, not that bastard that dared to wave an instrument of death in my face.


I called the police when he stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the school, and followed him until the cops arrived. I waited for more than one unit to show up.


Jed told me he heard about it on the news. He also told me that the same guy had just killed another teenager.


It could have been two. Outward apathy saved my ass.


Don't threaten me. It get's annoying. If you ever want to kill me, just do it. Don't stand around and talk about it. You might miss your chance.


I got to stay with Rocio and Ana and Tato for a few days. Good times...


Pizza Hut wants me to work there. Again, good times...


July 27 - August 3. I have my house to myself. I will be looking forward to company. Come over if you feel like hanging out or whatever.


Hey Anna, sorry to have to do this over the fucking diary, but...


I am going to have to let you go. I can't have you to hold onto to try to make myself have a constant reminder of what my life has been for the past year. Don't call me. I won't answer. I didn't disappear. I just can't let you remember that I ever existed. I loved you. That is all...


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That boy that wanted to be a man, that creature that felt no place among the living, that single soul that felt no pain...


He is dead now. His body sways in the wind from a rope tied to the overpass over the railroad tracks on 10th Ave.


Take a picture. It won't last you.


New life has been breathed into my lungs. New feelings, new tastes.


"I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this..."


Missing you...


Nothing else matters to me anymore...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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