
When I grow up, I wanna be in love...
5:44 p.m. - 2004-08-18

Happiness. That one person in your life that you call your significant other should not be the one to make you happy. They should merely be the person to make you happier. It is the 'er' that counts. If that one person is the source of all your happiness, you end up tearing yourself apart later in life. And being torn apart is never pretty. Not unless you are made of pretty flowers on the inside. Then I guess it would be alright. I guess.


Zim is neat.


She called last night and we established that I am a heartless creature with no passion for anything. I have no passion for life or death, or and detailed aspect of either world. I exist to contain all the meaningless shit that no one else should have to hold. What was the term? "Flusher?"


I like her. She makes me carry around this stupid grin that I can't wipe off my lips no matter how hard I try.


I want to play in the rain with her. And in the snow. And the mud. Ooh. Mud...


"Do you think we could ever live together?"


I have heard that from at least five people in the last week. Sorry kids. Tough one to answer. At this point I have a hard enough time living with my self.


Gotta love welfare and food stamps. Woot.


Tato is a good person. I like him too.


"Holy butfuck! It's Batman with his amazing piss-anyone-off-in-under-thirty-seconds-so-he-can-feed-off-the-energy-of-their-hate super powers!!!"


Yay. I am fucking Batman. Now, you be Jesus.


You always were more well-liked.


I am content. Now how many worm-babies my age can say that with honesty? Not many. But I have been to Hell, and floated in Heaven for awhile. Now I am content. I found my center, or, at least, someone else found it for me.


I want to be your only.


I love kisses.


And eyes.


Pretty eyes...


Sad, happy, pretty eyes...


"What's the matter little girl?"


I love you...


I mean it...


Maybe it would just be easier for me to show you...


Or maybe it would not...


Thanks for giving me a chance...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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