
God damn I am so tired of pretending wishing I was ending when all I'm really doing is trying to hide...
3:08 a.m. - 2005-04-11

It is three o'I-don't-fucking-know in the morning.
Tonight all my worries caught up with me.
I let them.
I can handle them now. Everything's gonna be alright. Rockabye.
I will never be a beautiful person. The only thing I can hope for is to not become more ugly. So much for being self-concious.
"Tried to save a place for my cuts and my scratches..."
Like I said, my problems and my troubles are all caught up to me. I just had to make room for them.
I am teaching myself the scales on my guitars. I fucking suck. I still try though.
You can never really love someone without thinking about them naked.
Are you thinking about me naked yet?
Damn. Guess you'll never love me then.
Fuck you.

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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