
"People say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."
1:19 a.m. - 2005-04-19

I just typed about twenty pages for Rocio so she can apply for her scholarships.
I am a good boyfriend.
My hands hurt and I haven't really slept since Friday afternoon. Insomnia has been kicking my ass again...
Fuck. It is past one in the morning. I have school today. Jesus, I can't wait for summer to get here. I need sleep. Rest...
I want to steal Girl tomorrow and take her to a movie. She likes good movies...
She also really likes rain when the sun is still shining. I saw that three times today. I smiled...
I talked to Girl a few hours ago. I wish I could hug her right now. I miss her not being able to escape to me. I don't miss Caldwell yet. Just Girl being close to me...
And Jon. And Daniella. I miss our little double dates. Hurry the fuck up and get home Daniella. And Jon! Fucking call me once in awhile asshole! I love you guys...
And I love you Girl...
I love you...
It feels odd to say that...
But it feels so good to say it and actually mean it...
So good...
So damn good...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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