
"Fuck the Promenade..."
12:17 a.m. - 2005-04-18

I keep having weird dreams. Last night I had sex with Jessica. Man was that weird. It was so cold on the wet grass...
My cousin Zac was there too...
I had sex with a lot of people last night...
Mostly guys though.
Anyway, if anybody is offended by me having dreams about fucking your brains out, I'm sorry. I don't tell me what to dream...
Zach and Jon, you guys were the best though...
I didn't fuck Rocio though. I just kept being me, then switching to her, then back to me. It was like we were the same person at the same time. It was odd, but it felt really good. I liked it. I liked the taste of really being inside someone.
I need to start going to work more often. I need more money so I can look fucking awesome for prom night. Even though I am not going to prom. Fuck the promenade, right?
I really wanted to go though...
Maybe we can still dance anyway...
I'm sad now, but you will never know.
I am way too fucking bi-polar to be listening to myself think. Don't pity me. Just point and laugh at my absurdity. Everyone else does, and I feel better about myself when I am around happy people. Don't pity me. It kills me.
I really wanted to go...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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