
My skin looks like lizard paper...
2:13 a.m. - 2005-07-07

Dear Diary,
Sometimes I just want to grip your skanky little neck and hold you under a bath of boiling water. And I won't pull you back up for air. Sometimes I hate you. Most of the time I hate you. Most of the time I want you to go fuck yourself and show the world just how fragile you can be. I want you to know you are scared. I want you to know you are vulnerable. I want you to know I am the devil in your nightmares. I want everyone to know this. I want everyone to fear me and to cower and quiver and bow. I want everyone on their knees. I want them all to know I am not like them. I want them all to know I exist, but I never wanted them to make me famous. I want you to feel you should worship me, but I don't want you to ever know why. I want to be immortal to you. I want to be a god to you. And you never let me. I am never good enough for you. I am never going to be. I am always going to be less than you expected and just how I don't want to be.
Dear Diary,
I hate you.

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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