
Hopefully Soon...
6:23 a.m. - 2005-10-11

I am slipping away. I can�t quite grip it, can�t quite dig my heels in deep enough�
Right now you can call me liar. Someday you can call me murderer�
I need to let this go for now. I need to do something about my head.
I don�t know what I need really, but I do know that I need something. Something key is missing here�
I wish she cared that much�
I don�t usually read my diary. I already know what it contains. Upon reflection, however, I wish that more people would read this. I know that may sound conceited. Sue me. Seriously though, I read some of my past entries and it is like I am reading something written by someone completely apart from myself. And then I remember some of them were someone else. Some other consciousness, some other being, another entity�
I am dreading the holiday season. I don�t want to go home. I never wanted to be there when I was. Why the fuck would I want to go back?
Because she wants me to�
I would ask you to tell me you love me, but if you already do then I already know it. And if I don�t know it then I won�t believe you anyway. And if you don�t love me then you would only be lying. Everybody knows liars go to Hell.
See you there�
Sometimes I am invincible. Other times I am my only weakness. I am never afraid of anything, but I still can�t go out in public without a shirt. I am not afraid of embarrassment, but I never really feel comfortable when I am not fully clothed.
I don�t miss my family.
Except when the sights are off�
The music is evolving. I like it�
Something is coming.
I don�t have time to wait for it.
I wish I wrote more often. I always rediscover the calming effect it has on me.
Then again, maybe I don�t want to remember. Maybe I like this energy.
I had a dream last night. Another one, this time with lots of blood and a lot of darkness. Crawling through ventilation shafts and sneaking into boy�s bathrooms only to see naked little boys being sodomized by two big hair men in leather chaps and a dirty whore with long red nails. I felt it when he hit me. I felt it when I fell. I coughed up blood this morning. Who else can say their morning breath smells like blood?
Who else tastes like it?
But you wouldn�t have any idea what I taste like.
I am such a mystery to so many people. It seems, however, that I am to remain that way because this mystery isn�t enticing enough and there is never a solution.
I am just a boring puzzle with infinite complications and never any ending�
And I like it that way. For now�
I am losing weight. I don�t like who I am. I work out a lot now. Morning and night.
I am so vain, and no one ever wrote a song about me.
Fuck you.
Dear diary,
Today, I didn�t see the sun. Not once. I like it�

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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