
I Don't Ever Want to See This Place Again...
9:17 p.m. - 2006-05-06

The best things are unexplainable...
I was dead and you never believed I could die...
Some sort of trivia...
But it was only trivial...
Our own world, no one is perfect but nobody minds...
A bouquet of wild flowers trails behind me, begging to come with me, so I take them because deep down, they know they are beautiful as well...
I am lucid. I can do anything, be everywhere, and nothing has a right to hold me down. It is all uphill from here because at the bottom, there is nowhere else to go.
Nevermind, I have no desire to dissipate or evanesce...
I just want me to love myself. Just once, just for a moment, and it will be enough...
I just need that moment, something to hold onto...
But I am reaching as far as I can...
Reaching into empty space and nothing is there for me to grasp...
Reality is only what you make it...
Dear Diary...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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