
7:46 a.m. - 2006-05-09

Alright, not that I am trying to make myself sound any more superior than anyone else, but what the hell is it with people that can't fucking spell correctly or use correct punctuation whenever they post something online? Did America just forget how the fuck to type? Are we too fucking lazy not only to have to write by pushing one button at a time, but to only ATTEMPT to push the right button each time? I know I make a few errors every now and again online, but I use the delete key whenever I see that I need to. It only takes a few seconds fuckers. Put down the Cheetos and press Shift+F7. Only if you are using Microsoft Word though. Otherwise, keep stuffing the Cheetos.
Besides, can you really type 50 words per minute with your two oily, cheese-covered index fingers? If you can, please show me, and don't be surprised if I shit a brick.
Maybe two bricks...
If I had to choose the last image I would ever witness, I guess I could go with something honorable or dramatic like everyone else probably would, such as seeing into space or what happens to their families, but I would probably just want to see a black Tom Brokaw riding a tiger while giving an aggressive blowjob to the Pope as random moments from my childhood are superimposed over the original image at subliminal speeds. Hopefully by then I would be too stupified or confused by all the commotion to realize I was going to die in fifteen seconds.
Dear Diary,
Today will be an interesting day indeed...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
>Now >Before >Secrets >Box >Board >Arts >Main