
12:09 a.m. - 2004-03-25

I am a smoker.


Ben and Jessica: have fun you guys. I love you both.


Anna: I really don't care anymore. Do what you want. I don't own you; don't treat me like I do.


Krystal: I love you.


Brenda: Frozen Tears because as long as they never move, no one notices until they slow down and take the time to really see them for what they are.


Todd: Happy birthday little man.


James: Papa bear.


Josh: Use what you have. Feel lucky that most don't get half of what you do.


Mr. Wilson: Thanks for being a father to me. Drink responsibly.


I love my friends.


Jon: Give it time; everything will come to you just before your time to die.


Zach: Don't try so hard not to be an adult. Never stop trying not to be a kid. The fact that you try makes you one of the cutest kids I know. Sit on that one and chew some steel wool.


I am a sheep dressed as a shark.


I am a poodle dressed as a wolf.


I am a junk drawer; try to sort me out.


I only miss the only kiss.


Summer: Friends forever.


Rocio: Don't cross the bridge too soon. Take time to lean over the edge and wonder what could happen if you jumped.


Dad: Don't look a gift horse in the ass.


Melissa: Oh! Wow! Hey! I'm not a little boy anymore! Whatever shall you do?


Kassandra: If you really think you want to kill yourself, then all I have to tell you is that you are a drain on society and you should go ahead and do it. If you really think you are too weak to put up life, do me a favor and listen to the words of a great man that he passed down to me: "The hardest thing you will ever have to do in this life is get out of bed in the morning."


I miss my sister.


I don't cry anymore because I am too conceited. Nothing deserves my tears.


I am weak to temptation.


I am strong to everyone.


Except me.


I am the bamboo chute; how peaceful a creature does consume me.


I am a metaphorical analyst that never really experiences epiphanies until it has already been brought to my attention that I will eventually have an epiphany while idly pondering an idea or thought.


I am nothing without myself.


I am nothing.


I am myself...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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