
I belong to her...
1:06 a.m. - 2004-05-14

Whitelighter = The Archangel Gabriel, Angel of Mercy


I found mine...


Well, he found me...


I was hungry, and I took all I needed from you. You all gave me everything I needed. Thanks, but watch out. I have a tendency to bite the hand that fucks me.


I really am an insomniac...


From now on, I am only going to cross one bridge at a time...


That tall, dark, scary figure in the shadows that you don't really see, but feel is behind you, yeah, well that is me. Don't be afraid. I am only protecting you from the things you have a reason to be afraid of. I only protect you from fear. I am your guardian angel. Especially you. I am YOUR Dark Angel...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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