
I thought I should tell you before you go...
11:37 p.m. - 2004-05-14

It was dark last night. I was in a weird mood...


I walked to your house in the middle of the night. I wanted to see you. I wanted to hold you. I wanted to hug you. From the front this time. I wanted you to be able to see the smile on my face that you create with your touch. I wanted you to know for sure that it is me holding you. I wanted to stand straight and tall for you. I wanted to look down into your eyes like I used to. I wanted to kiss you. I know you don't want me to, but I just want one more before you leave me. Selfish? Maybe. Impossible? Probably. But it is your fault. I'm not the one that made me love you. You are the one who is everything I could every want in a woman. Oh well. Some dreams are never meant to come true. Some dreams are meant to stay just that: dreams...


I am going to miss you. I am going to miss all my children. But I will miss you most. Without you, you do realize, I wouldn't have met any of the other kids. I wouldn't have all the things I have now if it weren't for you...


I don't need to love you. I don't love to need you. I don't need you for anything. Except that. Yes, that. That one that used to scare Mommy till it settled down. I love to love you. I love you...


I really am going to be quite empty without you kids...


Oh. The petals. Those are from me, your Dark Angel. Remember that though. Not just a Dark Angel, but specifically yours. I belong to you. I think of you always...


You are in my heart, and in my dreams...


When I do dream, that is...


I left one out on purpose...


You were my first heartbreak...


Thank you...


(*Insert little black umbrella here*)


I love you, and sleep well...


My Queen Vampiress...


My Secret Angel...


My Love...

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
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