
5:27 p.m. - 2007-07-16

I'm running out of words and painting pretty pictures. The part is whole. There is balance in nature. Law is natural. Reason defies nature. Reason is used as a tool to feed our pride and our individualism. Reason tells us to hate ourselves and each other. We categorize, summarize, classify and dissect until nothing remains a mystery to our arrogant minds. We will tell ourselves we know all there is to know about a subject, without realizing the subject only exists because the environment for the subject exists. The subject is a physical example of its environment. They could not exist without each other.
I need to expand further...
We have stepped outside the realm of existence into the world of complete isolation through individualism. Individuals promote survival of the pieces, not the whole. We no longer exist as one, and we will fall as many...
Without unity, we are certainly doomed...
Peace, love, and an innate respect for all things. These are absent in the hearts of men.
You are the world.
Let me feel your gravity.
Let me breathe your air and taste your seas.
Let me know when you need me.
Dear Diary,
I am going blind, but the truth is already in the dark.

When Everything Was Ugly... - And Ugly It Remains...
>Now >Before >Secrets >Box >Board >Arts >Main